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Outside the Indoor Sports Centre
Gore Hill Oval (at the playground nearest the hospital entrance)
Enjoy 45mins of higher intensity training with host John Hesketh. Sessions are adapted to suit everyone’s level. Meet at Gore Hill Oval (at the playground nearest the hospital entrance)
Meet at Gore Hill Oval (at the playground nearest the hospital entrance)
Host: Sarah Comensoli, an accredited exercise physiologist. Meet at Gore Hill Oval (at the playground nearest the hospital entrance)
Outside the Indoor Sports Centre
5 - 7 km, slower paced. Hosted by Andrew Kitchener
Outside the Indoor Sports Centre
9-10 km, route varies. Hosted by Ronan Carolan
Outside the Indoor Sports Centre
Host: Richard Min.; Stretch: Naremburn Park.
Outside the Indoor Sports Centre
Near the outdoor gym at Gore Hill Oval (Reserve Rd side).
Monday evenings are back! Join in for a high-intensity run with familiar drills (uncoached).
Outside the Indoor Sports Centre
5 - 7 km, slower paced. Hosted by Andrew Kitchener
Outside the Indoor Sports Centre
9-10 km, route varies. Hosted by Ronan Carolan
Outside the Indoor Sports Centre
Host: Chris Dawe; Stretch: ‘Silver Balls‘; Cnr. Pacific Hwy and Greenwich Road.
Outside the Indoor Sports Centre
Refer to trails program link
Gore Hill Oval (at the playground nearest the hospital entrance)
Enjoy 45mins of higher intensity training with host John Hesketh. Sessions are adapted to suit everyone’s level. Meet at Gore Hill Oval (at the playground nearest the hospital entrance)
Meet at Gore Hill Oval (at the playground nearest the hospital entrance)
Host: Sarah Comensoli, an accredited exercise physiologist. Meet at Gore Hill Oval (at the playground nearest the hospital entrance)
Outside the Indoor Sports Centre
5 - 7 km, slower paced. Hosted by Andrew Kitchener
Outside the Indoor Sports Centre
9-10 km, route varies. Hosted by Ronan Carolan
Outside the Indoor Sports Centre
Host: Kim Hardy; Stretch: Naremburn shops.
Outside the Indoor Sports Centre
Rotunda at Balmoral Beach
Starting at the Balmoral Beach Rotunda. Host: Randy Brophy
Near the outdoor gym at Gore Hill Oval (Reserve Rd side).
Enjoy the public holidays
Outside the Indoor Sports Centre
5 - 7 km, slower paced. Hosted by Andrew Kitchener
Outside the Indoor Sports Centre
9-10 km, route varies. Hosted by Ronan Carolan
Outside the Indoor Sports Centre
Host: Richard Min.; Stretch: Shirley Lane.
Outside the Indoor Sports Centre
Refer to trails program link